Cecilia's secretland

Cecilia's secretland

Saturday, November 22, 2014

♥~Cecilly's Moments Worth of Remembering~♥

Figured its about time I start penning down my thoughts before this year gets wiped out.. Just 8 days away from December, time flies!!!

Many things to share... Erm...Ok... I started tutoring again... Still remember the last time i tutored like it was yesterday, a lot of ups and downs, haha.. If you're interested in the story, feel free to view back my blog post back in December 2012... :)

I teach English Conversation and have only 2 tutees... They are twins and really sweet & lovable... We were distant in the first place, didn't talk much other than what's in the textbook or the content of our discussion, and now we're like friends,haha... I think they like me because they were like :"how to get big eyes like you?", "how to have a slim body like you?", "how to have pretty features like you?", "Can i call you cute teacher?", "Can i call you big eyes teacher?" haha... Then i just simply: "are you focusing on me or the article?" 

And i love how we sometimes laugh together over something funny in the article or story... Its interesting how i am easily liked by kids and fluffy has a theory about it : because i'm a kid myself... -_-

He said all of his colleagues referred me as a kid when they saw my pictures & i strongly disapprove... I know i can be childish sometimes but i definitely look my age ok... Stop calling me kid... ><

I have a theory myself too...I think its because i get treated the way i treat them... I'm a soft spoken person and i am always nice to people because i hate mean people and even hate people being mean to me...

Even if i don't agree with you, i'll just stay quiet and endure, but never confront or criticize as i see you as my friend and friends don't do mean to each other... 

Adults are complicated, they are demanding, judgy and self-centered... Many conflicts may occur and actually do occur due to this selfish and arrogant traits... It isn't something that will likely happen with kids... They are simple and pure and their level of mean will probably just be "I don't wanna friend with you anymore!" then every hatred or bad feeling will be gone like a puff of smoke the next day...

Perhaps this is why i sometimes prefer spending time with kids, everything is so easy with them... I give them my heart, they get it and they return theirs to me... No such thing is gonna happen with adult, you give them your heart, well, they'll gladly accept it and use it then they continue to let the universe revolves around them and give you back shit... You be nice to them, well, they will probably stab you in the least expected way...

Of course not all of the adults are like that, there are bunch of nice guys out there... Its just something i experienced and am still experiencing so i get frustrated, haha... :$

Ok..Conclusion: I teach them with all my hearts and i can see that they're improving gradually...Before the lesson ends, I always give them about 15 minutes to memorize a few new words we learn that day to want them to remember and widen their vocabulary.. Apparently its working... I ask them the words i taught a week before & they remembered!!! You have no idea how grateful and how touched i am!!! 

"Oh my god! You remembered! I'm so happy!"

"Teacher, now i only know you think so little of me..." Haha...then we burst out laughing... :$

Next topic...

Everyone knows i've started my online boutique business and i rented a booth in campus's flea market... :)

I've always wanted to try that, to set up a stall myself & sell the things i love to people...I've done it now!!! Twice!!!

The first time was with June, my very best friend from old time at 13th of Nov, Thursday... I was edgy and nervous in the first place, worried that no one will notice or want to come, the response was somehow out of my expectation in a good way though... :)

A lot of clothes were sold & i'm so happy because it means that my choice of stocks is somehow great, especially clothes, haha... :$

We chit-chatted non stop while selling, haha... It was nice to spend such a quality time with her after so long... 

"Eww....i look fat..."

"Angle problem because you sit in front..."

"Urrgghh...i look dark..."

"Light problem...i block all the light..."

Haha....girls... :$

A lot of friends came visited too, i felt so loved... Govin and WeiJian, Rex... You guys are such good friends... :)

The second time was with Carmen and it was fun... 

"Oh my god...The pepero is too tempting... i feel like eat 1 myself..." 

"Do it...you've been torturing yourself since this morning...Or i help you to unbox one..."

"No no no...just let me consider few more minutes...Trust me, you can't stop once you try..."

In the end, Pepero 1, Cecilia 0... Haha, i couldn't resist... :$

I offered a stick to her and she's like :" Oh my god....you're right! Its delicious!!!"

So we both ate 4 boxes in two days & we paid to ourselves ,haha... :$

The last day was even worse, we shopped around and : "Ehh...which one do you think suits me? Pink or light pink?" haha...

Had a great time with her and i'm glad that we get to know each other more... Should definitely do it again if there's chance...

Also...I know a new friend...We were introduced by our piano teacher, had lunch once and we just clicked...Her name is Qiki, i hope i spell her name right... :$

There's a day i wanna sing k so desperately but i had no one to go with... So piano teacher suggested to ask her & when we both thought she won't possibly wanna go, she texted back "OK..." which was really surprise,haha...because she is very quiet and not one to easy open up to people, just like me... 

That's why we didn't expect her to say yes, and when she's fine, my turn to chicken out,haha... :$

"Wait...i'm not ready...What if we have nothing to say to each other?" Haha...in the end everything went just fine... :)

More than happy to have a new friend...She's very tiny with big eyes and fair complexion, sweet girl...I like her a lot... :)

15/11/14 November, Saturday

Its the day of Fluffy's super idol's concert, also our 2nd JayChou's concert together... 

Felt so good to see him again, i mean fluffy here... :$

He's as fluffy as usual, maybe even fluffier...Plus his skin gets fairer and i'm as dark as ever, urrghhh... 

So i went to Kl on friday then we came back to Kampar together then we went back to KL again the next day,haha... Why didn't i just go on Saturday right? :$

Because i wanna go shopping and see him more, i don't wanna go on Saturday and back on Sunday... & the reason i had to come back to Kampar was because i had a midterm on Saturday morning,haha...complicated... :$

So...i met him at Masjid Jamek lrt station, which is just opposite of where he interned, OCBC... When my sights were wondering around, searching for him and thinking nonchalant..There he was, wearing all black, leaning on a pillar and smiling at me... I flashed an involuntary smile the moment i spotted him, always the one i love the most... :$

We had lunch together, i went shopping while waiting for him to finish work, then we went to KL Sentra to catch our train back to Kampar, had pretzel from Auntie Anne & get addicted to it, haha...  

Studying whole way back and when i covered everything and readied for exam, it was already 12 something am... As usual, my stomach started to growl & we went out for supper... We had 3 maggie goreng and 2 roti canai... I know right, we both eat a lot & are typical foodaholics... The only difference is he gets fat but i don't... :$

I always love it when we have supper together... It is one of the favorite moments of mine...Imagine how satisfying and contented it is, together with your boyfriend with your stomach stuffed at a breezy night...

Tada...me playing with his phone on our way back to KL...

JayChou's concert was awesome, even nicer than last year (its what fluffy & i thought, his friend & brother thought the opposite though)...

We didn't buy any glowing sticks as its provided beside your seat in the stadium...We made the mistake of purchasing one last year so this year we skipped the whole buying glowing stick thing...WHO KNOWS... OUR GLOWING STICKS WERE STOLEN OR TAKEN BY SOMEONE ELSE... -_-

Haha...what to do, concert was about to start & we didn't wanna make a big fuss to rush in & out considered the crowds were crazy... 

He sang tons of old songs this year & it brought back so many memories and the rhythms echoed in our hearts... We sang along without even searching for the lyrics, the words just came out so naturally... Its how epic his songs are...

And when the piano rose, clips from my favorite movie" Secret" playing at the enormous screen, my goose bumps were all rising and i grabbed Fluffy so hard!!! Was expecting him to play the soundtracks from the film but no luck,haha... I waited for 2 years, wanted to witness his extraordinary piano playing skill... :$

Still...with him playing the grand piano and singing, it was enough to melt me... Awww, fluffy please go learn playing piano, i can teach you... :$

Fluffy's selfie skill... -_-

Such an amazing night... We even had dimsum as supper after the concert ended... I ate 4 custard buns, my favorite dimsum...Tasted like heaven!!!!!!!!!! I really do love SUPPER!!! :$ 

"How many JayChou concert do you wanna go with me?"

"Many many many many.... All of it..."

We are separated for almost 2 months & we squeeze time to see each other as possible as time allows...

He came back to Kampar for me twice, i went to Kl for him twice...

A longer separation is waiting ahead... Hope we will always find a way back to each other...

And erm...as many of you know, my puppy just died... I would rather not mention any details again, bringing it up hurts me...

Thanks for those who concerned, and forgive me if i didn't reply you because it hurts too much...

I hope angel exists, so they will lead her to heaven & live a happy life...

My little Nana, you'll always be remembered and loved...

I will always remember that night when you were awake and watched me sleep...I don't know whether you woke me or it was destined to want me to know... You covered my blanket nicely for me, touch my hand gently, then rested your head on your arm and watched me...Felt so loved, it was the side of you where you never showed to me, the gentle side, the side of how much you love me... I was cold even with the blanket, turned my body towards you and hugged you tightly then fell asleep again... It was ordinary yet my fairytale... A little gesture of you is always more than enough to make me love you all over again.... That very little moment has made that night perfect, 15/11/14 midnight... And i will always remember how you kissed me on my forehead and cheek so hard that you could leave a dent there... Another gesture that i know you do really love me...

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

♥~Dedication to My Doggy, Nana~♥

I am supposed to blog about all the happy things like how i finally get to be a tutor again after 1 year, or how was JayChou's concert... Instead, there's something far more important that i have to write about...

2 years ago...Mommy在一个大沟渠旁边发现了几只被遗弃的小狗,就决定捡一只回家养...


刚开始的时候,它hyperactive的程度令全家人都拿它没办法... 开始生牙齿了,到处乱咬东西like鞋子, 报纸...每天早上打开门, 门外就会一片凌乱, 到处都是报纸碎...

而且还很顽皮, 喜欢玩花, 把公公花盆里的泥土全部都挖了出来, 气得公公说要把它送走... As long as i was there, its not gonna happen though...

看到了我们还会很兴奋, 一直摇尾巴, 摇得过度用力好像尾巴都要脱出来了一样... 还兴奋地跑向你, 然后不断地往你身上跳... Nana啊, 你知不知道我也好喜欢你这样黏着我, 可是你每次这样jump on me,你会scratch到我很痛...当我痛得呱呱叫, 它却以为我也很开心, 越跳越兴奋, 越跳越频密, 弄得我寸步难行, 结果整脚都被它抓伤了...像这样...

家里买了另一只German Shepherd, 叫做Lexie...Nana是姐姐, 常常欺负Lexie, 怕我们不再疼它了...

可是Lexie长大得太快, 半年不到, 已经非常大只了, 而且还很有分量, 远远超过了Nana的体重和身型...现在就换成了是Lexie欺负Nana, Nana也不够Lexie斗, 每次只好乖乖地坐在后面, 看着Lexie在我们面前晃来晃去, 看着我们把所有attention都放在Lexie身上, 自己被冷落一旁...可怜的Nana, 我最爱的还是你, 不要怕...

Nana慢慢长大了, 慢慢地也懂事了... 而且还在过程中发现了它的性格...

它是一只超级大吃的狗狗...不管你放多少的食物, 放得多么频密, 它总是可以一扫而空... 这一点我觉得有点像我... :$

还有...它是一只笨笨的狗狗... 只要过了某个范围, 它就不会路回家了, 每次要bb骑脚车去把它带回来...

有一天, 外面下着大雨, 发现了Nana在门外, 进不来... 家人全部出去了, 门锁了, 钥匙不在, 可是我真的不忍心看着Nana淋雨... 自己撑了1把雨伞, 从后门走出去, 希望带Nana从后门回家... 狂风暴雨, 我自己也被淋湿完了... 带着Nana到后门, 就要它进来的那一刻, 它突然间跑开, 跑回去了大门等着被人放它回家...

看这笨Nana...它没有去过后门那里, 不知道也不熟悉, 所以就笨笨地跑回去大门等... 我没有放弃, 继续叫它, 带它到后门去, 可是每次一到后门, 它又是一支箭地跑回去前门继续淋雨等... 同样的process重复了大概5-6次, 我全身也就湿透了... 站在雨中无奈地为笨Nana感到心疼...

最后呢...雨停了, 家人回来了, 它才湿湿地回到家里, 我也浪费了大概半个小时, 然后徒劳无功, 自己白心疼一场...

看到我们驾车回家, 它也会很兴高采烈地直接站在路中间迎接你, 每次我就会brake and then: " stupid Nana! 如果是别的车车撞到你怎么办?" 有一次, 它还冲向Fluffy的车车,吓得fluffy立刻brake, 可是还是听到了撞到东西的声音... Fluffy一开始还不知道是谁家的狗狗, 直到看见我出门, 然后Nana进家门, 他就知道自己撞到的是我家最爱的Nana, 心想自己死定了... :$

阿弟把整个过程都看到了, 他说:" Nana冲向Fluffy的车, 然后擦过了它的身体, 之后Nana精神奕奕地会跳会跑, 反而是那辆车停在那里不会动了..." 笑得我都傻了...

然后呢...它还很爱撒娇, 很希望被人疼爱... 每次都会走到我们的身旁, 把自己的头钻到我们的手掌下面, 暗示我们去摸摸它, 疼它... 每次疼它的时候, 它就会乖乖地坐下, 然后闭上眼睛, 享受着我们的宠溺, 就像这样...

每次我坐在门口剪指甲, 它都会过来一直黏着我, 舔我的脚趾和手指, 打扰到我连剪指甲也要花很久的时间, 无奈的同时也觉得很heart warming, 不管它肮不肮脏, 就是可以让它这样乱乱舔, 过后洗澡洗干净一点就好了...

然后每次我坐在门口, 等着Fluffy来载我去学yoga, 它也会乖乖地走来我身边, 坐在地上就这样陪着我... 知道自己不可以进屋子里, 它也就乖乖地它进来一小步, 然后保持原位, 就呆在那里陪我, 像这样...

每次Fluffy很夜才载我回到家, Nana看见了, 也不会吠, 好像知道我需要它的帮忙, 会乖乖地替我隐瞒... 就这样看着我偷偷回家, 跟在我身后, 直到我关门跟它say goodnight...

半夜了, 肚子饿了, 到厨房去煮Maggie, Nana看到了, 也会慢慢地走过来, 静静地坐在那里摇尾巴, 陪我煮面...

贪玩的Nana有时候会在外面过夜不回家, 怎么叫它也不甘愿回家, 不管多么贪玩, 第二天早上总是可以看到它在家门口等着, 等着你开门让它回来...

以为会就这样一直有Nana在身边, 直到很久很久, 8年, 10年, 直到它老... 从来也没有想过有一天早上会看不见可爱的它在门口摇着尾巴等着回家...

昨天发现了Nana一整天没有回家了, 心里很着急, 全家人都开始担心了.. Nana不曾这样的, 就算贪玩, 它也走不远的... 我们在家里附近到处找了, 不断地叫它的名字, 就是没有回应...

Mommy晚上载我去教补习, 经过看到了2只狗狗在路旁, 叫mommy停车, 我下车慢慢地走向它们...虽然我近视, 看不清楚, 可是当它们看到我的approach而退后的那一刻, 我已经知道它们并不是Nana... Nana看到我怎么可能会退后, 它会迫不及待跑前来jump on me... 可是我还是抱着一丝希望, 叫了:"Nana?" 2只狗狗被我吓到然后跑开了...

心里一直好担心它会有什么事情... 我宁愿它是被家人抓回家了, 至少它还是活得好好的... 心里一直想: Nana还活着就好了, 不会路回家, 可是只要还活着就好...

一直到了晚上, bb过来告诉我已经找到Nana了, 可是它...了... 我试着强忍泪水, 把第二天flea market要卖的东西准备好, 可是眼泪却一直在打转... 最后还是忍不住崩溃大哭了... 我接收不到, 也handle不到...

好想立刻跑出去屋外看看它, 可是我怕... 我怕看到之后我会控制不了,也handle不了自己的情绪... 我好怕看到那个躺在那里不动的真的是Nana...

一直控制着不让自己流眼泪, 不然第二天眼睛会很肿, 我不要像zombie一样在卖东西, 把客人吓跑... 可是眼泪就真的停不了... 最后在一摊泪水中睡着...

第二天早上, 不出我所料, 眼睛肿得几乎开不到, 大眼睛一瞬间变成咪咪眼... 用手捂着嘴巴, compose好自己慢慢地走向我不想承认的事实...

当我看到了它不会动地躺在那里, 连人带心都碎了... Nana真的走了...

去到了campus, 成了walking dead... 尽量distract自己, 不让自己想起Nana... 可是当我回到家, 看到那个它离开我们的地方, 还是整个人趴在steering上哭了...

从小到大, 家里都有养狗狗... Nana是第一只我这么这么爱的狗狗, 它也第一只这么这么特别的狗狗... 为什么偏偏跟它相处的时间最短暂...

一直以来很希望以后有自己的家后要养一只属于自己的狗狗, 可是经历了这一切, I'm not so sure anymore...第一, 我不知道要到哪里去找一只可以代替Nana在我心中地位的狗狗; 第二, I don't know if i can endure the pain like this again, 我承受不了失去的那个伤痛...

我不要第二只狗狗了, 我要Nana而已...

最近Nana一直在太阳底下睡觉, 为什么当时的我只是想着狗狗难道不热吗, 而不是它是不是生病了... Nana hyperactive的, 最近它还是老样子, 蹦蹦跳跳的, 一点也没有生病or food poisoning的现象...而且家里的门一直都开着, 为什么它不回家, 而且...在那么隐秘的地方...

Nana, 是不是你知道自己要离开了, 不想让我们看到伤心, 所以自己躲起来了...

I didn't lose a pet, i lost a family...

Nana may you rest in piece....