Hello! Finally we've come to the last part of my Japan trip...
20th January 2018, Saturday
After 2 days of Disney adventure, its time to truly explore Tokyo for a bit...
This day was about kimono experience at Senso-ji...
We simply walked in to a google recommended shop nearby Senso-ji & started picking our kimono... For the guys, they wore yukata & they didn't really have a lot of choices as theirs were all in monotone, haha...
It needed a certain level of fashion sense to be able to match a beautiful set of kimono as it comes with obi (the waistband) & accessories too, I didn't know that until I was being dressed by the over-hospitable staff...
Then we moved on to hair-styling, Ceci & I both chose our hairs to be braided into a bun, when we thought we were good to go, there came a huge selection of bags and slippers, haha... Another 15mins or so wasted...
Felt so Japanese though, the layering didn't fail to keep us warm but our hands and palms were freezing without gloves, haha... Senso-ji was crowded with tourists it was impossible to have a photo taken without some photo bombers...
There was this funny encounter with a few Taiwanese as in we were queuing for food then a girl's coins dropped I picked them up for her, she said "Arigato gozaimasu" to me, I was thinking do I really look like a Japanese to them... Then I heard her friend whispering : "That's a Chinese alright, she speaks mandarin just now..." Hahaha... Fluffy & I suppressed our smiles...
We bought some fridge magnets, some local foods which tasted really nice *I wanted to recommend but I really can't recall*, went into the temple for praying... We did draw fortune sticks but Fluffy didn't get a good one, mine was not bad, telling me to be persistent & everything will be resolved...
We left before the sky turned completely dark & before we froze to death, haha *touch wood*...
Then we visited Shinjuku, had some real nice authentic sushi for dinner... The crabstick there was heavenly, i could taste a thousand layers out of it, so goooood...
Saw a lot of video games stores and also a wide variety of red light establishments... They were all written “无料案内所" we didn't know what did it mean but vaguely i could take a guess or two, haha...
21st January 2018, Sunday
Were supposed to go visit Nikko but i'll just skip the glory details on how we cancelled our plan on the train half way to our original destination...
The sky was already dark by the time we reached Harajuku... Genuinely like this place, especially Takeshita street, with all the street brands & boutiques...
Not only is Harajuku famous of its fashion culture, but also the food... We tried as many famous food as we could & this time i remembered what i ate haha... (all food pictures i take from google...)
1st, Marion Crepe
It was good but i had my ice cream dripping all over my jacket it was disastrous, sobs sobs...
2nd, Calbee potato chips
A very famous Japan's brand of snacks, should i say snacks? No kidding, everything was delicious i couldn't stop eating their food samplings, haha... Bought a few packages, i could have bought more but they weren't exactly cheap...
3rd, Gindaco Takoyaki
They said Gindaco served one of the best Takoyaki in town, crisp exterior & soft filling... I heard there's a branch in Midvalley, really? :o
4th, Luke's Lobster Roll
Ok, it was nothing compared to Burger & Lobster i still prefer the later haha...
5th, Harajuku Gyoza Lou
One of the best they said, it tasted good but i couldn't differentiate because i just had a plate for breakfast near where we stayed & they tasted about the same, haha...
22nd January 2018, Monday
This day we would be checking out of our AirBnB stay & moving to Fuji, Kawaguchiko... We departed very early in the morning & it was snowing!!!! Tokyo snowed!!!
Considered us lucky as we managed to catch snow fall, in Tokyo somemore... Fluffy & I took the bus as our JR pass expired while the other pair of couple took the train...As it turned out, bus was faster & cheaper & more convenient...
It was snowing very heavily in Kawaguchiko as well, Fluffy & i walked around the small town enjoying snow fall while waiting for the couple to arrive...
We rented a car because we planned to go FujiTen for skiing but with that bad weather, we stayed indoor instead... Couldn't even spot Mt Fuji because its too snowy & sky was anything but clear...
Despite everything, we managed to enjoy ourselves by having shabu-shabu as dinner with snowy scenery, gosh it felt like i was in a Christmas hollywood movie, so so so comfy & relax...
Also, we had a GF vs BF snowman building competition just outside of our house under -4 degree Celsius, haha... Everywhere was covered by at least an inch of snow, we made snow angel together too, so care free & happy... The specs & scarf were contributed by Ceci, i contributed my gloves haha...
I would never forget how we got down the car & clear the snow out of the path when our rented car got stuck in the snow & how the driver behind was so kind he gave us a hand too... The negative degree Celsius simply couldn't stop the warmth that's transmitted to the deep core of me...
23th January 2018, Tuesday
Our last day in Japan... Woke up early in the morning, the sun finally came out & the sky was a clear blue... Everything was in white, our sport blue car included, haha... Drove around the area & there!! Mt Fuji!!! We finally saw Mt Fuji, it was enormous it was impossible to miss... So beautiful!!!!!!!!!
Wish i could see it closer!!!!!!! We took the afternoon bus back to Tokyo & went separate way with our friends as they would continue their journey to Kyoto & Osaka while we caught the midnight flight back to Msia...
Before airport, we visited Tokyo tower & had a fancy Wagyu beef dinner at Shibuya, main purpose of returning to Shibuya was to do last minute shopping actually, hahaha...We did another round of shopping in the airport tax free souvenir shop too...
Japan is a wonderful place, there are many places i haven't been to, promise will go back again, probably Kyoto & Osaka next time before i return to Tokyo...
Before i ended my diary, let me have a small 心情语录
Promised myself to earn more money for more travelling & I'm glad i'm working towards my goal... 答应了自己要赚多点钱, 去更多更远的地方; 很高兴自己真的在努力实践中...
尝试做了从来没想过也拒绝过的网络主播, 一开始是为了薪水hahaha, 现在慢慢觉得自己有必要也有责任做好, 生活更充实了更忙碌了, 反而觉得更加踏实... 网店的生意也慢慢好转, 相信只要坚持做好, 种下的种子会慢慢发芽直到开花结果的...
在日本求的签感觉上也好像灵了, 一切的事情好像都在慢慢地变好, 5月份要换新的工作环境, 下个星期要交辞呈信了, 忐忑同时期待...
一开始我觉得世界是不公平的, 我没什么比别人特别优秀, 常遭遇到不公平的对待, 因为自己懦弱胆小, 只懂在背后躲着哭, 却不懂得为自己争取...
直到有一天, 有一件事情发生了, 我才觉得就算很多委屈的事情围绕着自己, 我的好心真的会换回好报...
去年圣诞节在云顶帮助了2个中国来的朋友, 交换了微信... 在我很难过无助的时候, 收到了其中一个的鼓励的简讯...
其实我帮的真的是个很小的忙, 而且我自己也有益处的忙, 可是他却记住到现在, 给我发加油打气的简讯... 那时候心里觉得很感激, 感激那个偶遇, 感激他们人那么好, 感激上天没有给我特别好的样貌或才华却给了我好的心肠...
or maybe because today is Friday only do i feel such a way hahaha... Anyhow, thanks for reading, tata!!!